Disability Resources & Services

Resources and services available to students with disabilities

Every student eligible for admission at Chandler-Gilbert deserves a positive college experience. To ensure equal access to all CGCC programs, services, and activities, our Disability Resources and Services (DRS) Office offers comprehensive services for students with disabilities. 

Our goal is to empower students and foster independence and self-advocacy to help them achieve their career and educational goals. DRS works with students, faculty, and campus staff to implement reasonable accommodations that help students with disabilities make the most of their college careers.

Services provided by Disability Resources include:

  • Advocating for CGCC students with disabilities
  • Educating students about their rights 
  • Arranging for appropriate accommodations 
  • Providing assistive technology (AT) support
  • Referring students to campus and community resources
  • Monitoring campus ADA compliance

How to navigate DRS connect online services

DRS connect online services

Who can get disability services?

Disability resources are provided to CGCC students who have a documented disability according to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and that barrier poses a barrier to education. To receive these services, you’ll need to register with the DRS office.

Get registration instructions

*Transferring Students: If you are transferring from another Maricopa County Community College, and are registered with their DRS office, please be sure to call us at 480-857-5188 to schedule a DRS Transfer Intake appointment. Your accommodations do not automatically transfer to CGCC. We will do a brief transfer intake to assess and implement appropriate and reasonable accommodations.